Activities for All fund is now closed for applications.
Tesco Stronger Starts has expanded its commitment to promoting children’s health and well-being across the UK. After the success of our recent Footie for All fund, we extended out support to organisations and clubs beyond football by introducing Activity for All.
In celebration of ‘the summer of sport’, our Activity for All campaign in partnership with The Sun, has offered £150k in grants through the Tesco Stronger Starts fund in an effort to improve children’s access to physical activity, funding better equipment, resources and healthy food and snacks for those who needed it.
Activity Fund was managed by Groundwork who are working with greenspace scotland to support applicants in Scotland.
Who is eligible to apply to Activity for All Fund?
The applicants must be a sports or holiday club in local communities with a priority on supporting children up to the age of 18 across the summer holidays with access to physical activity, providing more equipment and opportunities, providing access to holiday clubs and/or providing healthy, nutritious food to keep active.
What types of projects can apply to Activity for All Fund?
Applications are open to all organisations who support children under the age of 18.
Do we need match funding?
Activity for All Fund can fund 100% of your project costs so you do not need any match funding. However, if you have secured additional funding, there is no limit to what this amount can be and any funding awarded by Tesco can form part of your wider project costs.
Projects that are ineligible
- Schools
- Projects that work with over 18’s
- Individuals
- Community Interest Companies with shares (CIC’s)
- Community Interest Companies with guarantee that are less than two years old
- Profit-making organisations
Alternative and accessible formats
If you experience or anticipate any barriers with our application process, require help to make an application, or accessing our services and information, please contact the Groundwork Tesco Programme Team to discuss the type of support we can provide.
Terms and conditions
Click here for Activity for All Fund terms and conditions.