St Mark’s Primary School, Irvine
St Mark’s Primary School received £500 to help it run a daily breakfast
club, which aims to reduce the stress of the morning routine for families
and children, offering them a healthy breakfast before school starts.
Each child taking part in the breakfast club receives a healthy meal to help
them kickstart their day, as well an opportunity to enjoy further social
interactions with their friends. The project was put on hold during the
recent pandemic; however, the grant has supported the school in buying
new equipment such as plates and tea towels, helping to re-establish the
breakfast club, which sees between 80 to 100 children in attendance daily.
Claire McKie, Principal Teacher, said:
“Our Breakfast Club helps to support children and families in alleviating the stress of morning routines,
especially during this challenging time. We aim to ensure that every child can receive a healthy breakfast and a good start to their school day so that they’re ready to focus, concentrate and learn as soon as the bell goes at 9am.
“We’d like to thank all of the team at Tesco and the kind customers who voted for our cause and help us to relaunch these vital Breakfast Club sessions following the recent pandemic.”